
Singleton 单例模式

public class LogService
    #region Singleton

    /// <summary>
    /// Thread Safety Singleton
    /// </summary>  
    private static readonly Lazy<LogService> lazy = new Lazy<LogService>(() => new LogService());
    public static LogService Current
            return lazy.Value;
    private LogService()


Factory Method 工厂方法


// 抽象产品
public interface IProduct
    string Operation();

// 具体产品A
public class ProductA : IProduct
    public string Operation()
        return "{Result of ProductA}";

// 具体产品B
public class ProductB : IProduct
    public string Operation()
        return "{Result of ProductB}";

// 抽象创建者
public abstract class Creator
    public abstract IProduct FactoryMethod();

// 具体创建者A
public class CreatorA : Creator
    public override IProduct FactoryMethod()
        return new ProductA();

// 具体创建者B
public class CreatorB : Creator
    public override IProduct FactoryMethod()
        return new ProductB();

Abstract Factory 抽象工厂模式

Builder 建造者模式


// 产品
public class Car
    public string Engine { get; set; }
    public string Wheels { get; set; }
    public string Doors { get; set; }

// 建造者抽象类
public abstract class CarBuilder
    protected Car car;

    public void CreateNewCar()
        car = new Car();

    public Car GetCar()
        return car;

    public abstract void SetEngine();
    public abstract void SetWheels();
    public abstract void SetDoors();

// 具体建造者
public class FerrariBuilder : CarBuilder
    public override void SetEngine()
        car.Engine = "V8";

    public override void SetWheels()
        car.Wheels = "18 inch";

    public override void SetDoors()
        car.Doors = "2";

// 指挥者
public class Director
    public Car Construct(CarBuilder carBuilder)
        return carBuilder.GetCar();

Prototype 原型模式

// 抽象原型
public interface IPrototype
    IPrototype Clone();

// 具体原型
public class ConcretePrototype : IPrototype
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public int Value { get; set; }

    public IPrototype Clone()
        // 实现深拷贝
        return (ConcretePrototype)this.MemberwiseClone(); // Clones the concrete object.

Adapter 适配器模式


/// <summary>
/// 后续添加的接口 -- 需要适配的目标接口
/// </summary>
interface ICannon
    void FireGun();

/// <summary>
/// 对象适配器 -- 实现目标接口,适配发射类
/// </summary>
class Cannon : ICannon
    private Shoot _Shoot;

    //public Cannon()
    //    this._Shoot = new Shoot();

    public Cannon(Shoot shoot)
        this._Shoot = shoot;

    public void FireGun()
        Console.WriteLine(" --- 对象适配 发射炮弹 --- ");

/// <summary>
/// 类适配器 -- 实现目标接口,适配发射类
/// 只能借用继承来实现,不能多继承而且是紧耦合 (很少使用)
/// </summary>
class CannonClass : Shoot, ICannon
    public void FireGun()
        Console.WriteLine(" --- 类适配器 发射炮弹 --- ");


Bridge 桥接模式

桥接模式是一种结构型设计模式,用于将抽象部分与其实现部分分离,使它们都可以独立地变化。 // 实现类接口 public interface IImplementor { void OperationImp(); }

// 具体实现类A public class ConcreteImplementorA : IImplementor { public void OperationImp() { Console.WriteLine(“Concrete Implementor A”); } }

// 具体实现类B public class ConcreteImplementorB : IImplementor { public void OperationImp() { Console.WriteLine(“Concrete Implementor B”); } }

// 抽象类 public abstract class Abstraction { protected IImplementor implementor;

   public Abstraction(IImplementor implementor)
       this.implementor = implementor;

   public virtual void Operation()
   }    }

// 扩充的抽象类 public class RefinedAbstraction : Abstraction { public RefinedAbstraction(IImplementor implementor) : base(implementor) { }

   public override void Operation()
       Console.WriteLine("Refined Abstraction is calling implementor's method:");
   }    }

Composite 组合模式

组合模式(Composite pattern)是一种结构型设计模式,它可以使你将对象组合成树形结构,并且能像使用独立对象一样使用它们。这种模式的主要目的是使单个对象和组合对象具有一致性。 // 抽象组件类 public abstract class Component { protected string name;

    public Component(string name)
        this.name = name;

    public abstract void Add(Component c);
    public abstract void Remove(Component c);
    public abstract void Display(int depth);

// 叶节点类
public class Leaf : Component
    public Leaf(string name) : base(name) { }

    public override void Add(Component c)
        Console.WriteLine("Cannot add to a leaf");

    public override void Remove(Component c)
        Console.WriteLine("Cannot remove from a leaf");

    public override void Display(int depth)
        Console.WriteLine(new String('-', depth) + name);

// 构件容器类
public class Composite : Component
    private List<Component> _children = new List<Component>();

    public Composite(string name) : base(name) { }

    public override void Add(Component component)

    public override void Remove(Component component)

    public override void Display(int depth)
        Console.WriteLine(new String('-', depth) + name);

        // 显示每个节点的子节点
        foreach (Component component in _children)
            component.Display(depth + 2);

Decorator 装饰模式


// 抽象组件
public abstract class Component
    public abstract string Operation();

// 具体组件
public class ConcreteComponent : Component
    public override string Operation()
        return "ConcreteComponent";

// 抽象装饰器
public abstract class Decorator : Component
    protected Component component;

    public Decorator(Component component)
        this.component = component;

    public override string Operation()
        if (component != null)
            return component.Operation();
            return string.Empty;

// 具体装饰器A
public class ConcreteDecoratorA : Decorator
    public ConcreteDecoratorA(Component comp) : base(comp) { }

    public override string Operation()
        return $"ConcreteDecoratorA({base.Operation()})";

// 具体装饰器B
public class ConcreteDecoratorB : Decorator
    public ConcreteDecoratorB(Component comp) : base(comp) { }

    public override string Operation()
        return $"ConcreteDecoratorB({base.Operation()})";

Facade 外观模式


// 子系统A
public class SubSystemA
    public string OperationA()
        return "SubSystemA, OperationA\n";

// 子系统B
public class SubSystemB
    public string OperationB()
        return "SubSystemB, OperationB\n";

// 子系统C
public class SubSystemC
    public string OperationC()
        return "SubSystemC, OperationC\n";

// 外观类
public class Facade
    private SubSystemA a = new SubSystemA();
    private SubSystemB b = new SubSystemB();
    private SubSystemC c = new SubSystemC();

    public string OperationWrapper()
        string result = "Facade initializes subsystems:\n";
        result += a.OperationA();
        result += b.OperationB();
        result += c.OperationC();
        return result;

Flyweight 享元模式

享元模式(Flyweight Pattern)是一种结构型设计模式,该模式主要用于减少创建对象的数量,以减少内存占用和提高性能。这种类型的设计模式属于结构型模式,它提供了一种减少对象数量从而改善应用所需的对象结构的方式。

// 享元类 public class Flyweight { private string intrinsicState;

   // 构造函数
   public Flyweight(string intrinsicState)
       this.intrinsicState = intrinsicState;

   // 业务方法
   public void Operation(string extrinsicState)
       Console.WriteLine($"Intrinsic State = {intrinsicState}, Extrinsic State = {extrinsicState}");
   }    }

// 享元工厂类 public class FlyweightFactory { private Dictionary<string, Flyweight> flyweights = new Dictionary<string, Flyweight>();

   public Flyweight GetFlyweight(string key)
       if (!flyweights.ContainsKey(key))
           flyweights[key] = new Flyweight(key);

       return flyweights[key];

   public int GetFlyweightCount()
       return flyweights.Count;
   }    }

Proxy 代理模式


// 抽象主题接口
public interface ISubject
    void Request();

// 真实主题
public class RealSubject : ISubject
    public void Request()
        Console.WriteLine("RealSubject: Handling Request.");

// 代理
public class Proxy : ISubject
    private RealSubject _realSubject;

    public Proxy(RealSubject realSubject)
        this._realSubject = realSubject;

    public void Request()
        if (this.CheckAccess())

    public bool CheckAccess()
        // 检查是否有权限访问
        Console.WriteLine("Proxy: Checking access prior to firing a real request.");
        return true;

    public void LogAccess()
        // 记录请求
        Console.WriteLine("Proxy: Logging the time of request.");

Chain of Responsibility 责任链模式


/// <summary>
/// 责任链设计模式抽象类
/// </summary>
public abstract class ChainOfResponsibilityContext
    public int Num { get; set; }

    /// <summary>
    /// 大小判断抽象方法
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="num"></param>
    public abstract void Adujit(int num);

    /// <summary>
    /// 存储下一个逻辑判断
    /// </summary>
    private ChainOfResponsibilityContext _NextAdujit = null;

    public void SetNext(ChainOfResponsibilityContext data)
        this._NextAdujit = data;

    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="num"></param>
    protected void AdujitNext(int num)
        if (this._NextAdujit != null)

/// <summary>
/// 判断10区间的类
/// </summary>
public class Ten : ChainOfResponsibilityContext
    public override void Adujit(int num)
        if (num <= this.Num)
/// <summary>
/// 判断20区间的类
/// </summary>
public class Twenty : ChainOfResponsibilityContext
    public override void Adujit(int num)
        if (num <= this.Num)
/// <summary>
/// 判断30区间的类
/// </summary>
public class Thirty : ChainOfResponsibilityContext
    public override void Adujit(int num)
        if (num <= this.Num)
/// <summary>
/// 判断40区间的类
/// </summary>
public class Forty : ChainOfResponsibilityContext
    public override void Adujit(int num)
        if (num <= this.Num)

/// <summary>
/// 具体实现判断逻辑类
/// </summary>
public class AllContext
    public static ChainOfResponsibilityContext Buid(int num)

        ChainOfResponsibilityContext context = new Ten()
            Num = 10
        ChainOfResponsibilityContext context1 = new Twenty()
            Num = 20
        ChainOfResponsibilityContext context2 = new Thirty()
            Num = 30
        ChainOfResponsibilityContext context3 = new Forty()
            Num = 40

        return context;


Command 命令模式

命令模式(Command Pattern)是一种数据驱动的设计模式,它属于行为型模式。在命令模式中,请求在对象中封装成为一个操作或行为,这些请求被送到调用对象,调用对象寻找可以处理该命令的合适的对象,并把命令直接送达到对应的对象,该对象会执行这些命令。

// 命令接口
public interface ICommand
    void Execute();

// 具体命令类
public class ConcreteCommand : ICommand
    private Receiver receiver;

    public ConcreteCommand(Receiver receiver)
        this.receiver = receiver;

    public void Execute()

// 接收者类
public class Receiver
    public void Action()
        Console.WriteLine("Receiver performs an action");

// 调用者或发送者类
public class Invoker
    private ICommand command;

    public void SetCommand(ICommand command)
        this.command = command;

    public void ExecuteCommand()

Interpreter 解释器模式

// 抽象表达式
public interface IExpression
    bool Interpret(string context);

// 终结符表达式
public class TerminalExpression : IExpression
    private string data;

    public TerminalExpression(string data)
        this.data = data;

    public bool Interpret(string context)
        if (context.Contains(data))
            return true;

        return false;

// 非终结符表达式
public class OrExpression : IExpression
    private IExpression expr1;
    private IExpression expr2;

    public OrExpression(IExpression expr1, IExpression expr2)
        this.expr1 = expr1;
        this.expr2 = expr2;

    public bool Interpret(string context)
        return expr1.Interpret(context) || expr2.Interpret(context);

Iterator 迭代器模式

迭代器模式(Iterator Pattern)是一种行为型设计模式,它提供了一种方法来访问一个对象的元素,而不需要暴露该对象的内部表示。

// 抽象聚合类
public interface IAggregate
    IIterator CreateIterator();
    void Add(string item);
    int Count { get; }
    string this[int index] { get; set; }

// 具体聚合类
public class ConcreteAggregate : IAggregate
    private List<string> items = new List<string>();

    public IIterator CreateIterator()
        return new ConcreteIterator(this);

    public int Count
        get { return items.Count; }

    public string this[int index]
        get { return items[index]; }
        set { items.Insert(index, value); }

    public void Add(string item)

// 抽象迭代器
public interface IIterator
    string First();
    string Next();
    bool IsDone { get; }
    string CurrentItem { get; }

// 具体迭代器
public class ConcreteIterator : IIterator
    private ConcreteAggregate aggregate;
    private int current = 0;

    public ConcreteIterator(ConcreteAggregate aggregate)
        this.aggregate = aggregate;

    public string First()
        return aggregate[0];

    public string Next()
        string ret = string.Empty;
        if (current < aggregate.Count - 1)
            ret = aggregate[++current];

        return ret;

    public string CurrentItem
        get { return aggregate[current]; }

    public bool IsDone
        get { return current >= aggregate.Count; }

static void TestIterator()
    IAggregate aggregate = new ConcreteAggregate();
    aggregate.Add("Item A");
    aggregate.Add("Item B");
    aggregate.Add("Item C");
    aggregate.Add("Item D");

    IIterator iterator = aggregate.CreateIterator();

    Console.WriteLine("Iterating over collection:");

    string item = iterator.First();
    while (item != null)
        item = iterator.Next();


Mediator 中介者模式


// Mediator 接口声明了与组件交互的方法。
public interface IMediator
    void Notify(object sender, string ev);

// 具体 Mediators 实现协作行为,它负责协调多个组件。
public class ConcreteMediator : IMediator
    private Component1 _component1;
    private Component2 _component2;

    public ConcreteMediator(Component1 component1, Component2 component2)
        _component1 = component1;
        _component2 = component2;

    public void Notify(object sender, string ev)
        if (ev == "A")
            Console.WriteLine("Mediator reacts on A and triggers following operations:");
        if (ev == "D")
            Console.WriteLine("Mediator reacts on D and triggers following operations:");

public abstract class BaseComponent
    protected IMediator _mediator;

    public BaseComponent(IMediator mediator = null)
        _mediator = mediator;

    public void SetMediator(IMediator mediator)
        this._mediator = mediator;

// 具体 Components 实现各种功能。它们不依赖于其他组件。
// 它们也不依赖于任何具体 Mediator 类。
public class Component1 : BaseComponent
    public void DoA()
        Console.WriteLine("Component 1 does A.");
        this._mediator.Notify(this, "A");

    public void DoB()
        Console.WriteLine("Component 1 does B.");
        this._mediator.Notify(this, "B");

public class Component2 : BaseComponent
    public void DoC()
        Console.WriteLine("Component 2 does C.");
        this._mediator.Notify(this, "C");

    public void DoD()
        Console.WriteLine("Component 2 does D.");
        this._mediator.Notify(this, "D");

Memento 备忘录模式


// Originator 类可以生成一个备忘录,并且可以通过备忘录恢复其状态。
public class Originator
    private string _state;

    public Originator(string state)
        this._state = state;
        Console.WriteLine($"Originator: My initial state is: {_state}");

    public void DoSomething()
        Console.WriteLine("Originator: I'm doing something important.");
        _state = GenerateRandomString(30);
        Console.WriteLine($"Originator: and my state has changed to: {_state}");

    private string GenerateRandomString(int length = 10)
        string allowedSymbols = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
        string result = string.Empty;

        while (length > 0)
            result += allowedSymbols[new Random().Next(0, allowedSymbols.Length)];


        return result;

    public IMemento Save()
        return new ConcreteMemento(_state);

    public void Restore(IMemento memento)
        _state = memento.GetState();
        Console.WriteLine($"Originator: My state has changed to: {_state}");

// 备忘录接口提供了获取备忘录和原发器状态的方法。但在该接口中并未声明所有的方法,一些方法只在原发器中声明。
public interface IMemento
    string GetName();

    string GetState();

    DateTime GetDate();

// Concrete Memento 存储原发器状态,并通过原发器实现备份。备忘录是不可变的,因此,没有 set 方法。
public class ConcreteMemento : IMemento
    private string _state;
    private DateTime _date;

    public ConcreteMemento(string state)
        _state = state;
        _date = DateTime.Now;

    public string GetState()
        return _state;

    public string GetName()
        return $"{_date} / ({_state.Substring(0, 9)})...";

    public DateTime GetDate()
        return _date;

// Caretaker 不依赖于具体备忘录类。结果,它不会有任何访问原发器状态的权利,它只能获取备忘录的元数据。
public class Caretaker
    private List<IMemento> _mementos = new List<IMemento>();
    private Originator _originator = null;

    public Caretaker(Originator originator)
        this._originator = originator;

    public void Backup()
        Console.WriteLine("\nCaretaker: Saving Originator's state...");

    public void Undo()
        if (_mementos.Count == 0)

        var memento = _mementos.Last();

        Console.WriteLine("Caretaker: Restoring state to: " + memento.GetName());
        catch (Exception)

    public void ShowHistory()
        Console.WriteLine("Caretaker: Here's the list of mementos:");

        foreach (var memento in _mementos)


// 客户端代码
static void TestFunction()
    Originator originator = new Originator("Super-duper-super-puper-super.");
    Caretaker caretaker = new Caretaker(originator);





    Console.WriteLine("\nClient: Now, let's rollback!\n");

    Console.WriteLine("\nClient: Once more!\n");

Observer 观察者模式

// 抽象观察者
public interface IObserver
    void Update();

// 具体观察者
public class ConcreteObserver : IObserver
    private string name;

    public ConcreteObserver(string name)
        this.name = name;

    public void Update()
        Console.WriteLine($"{name} received an update!");

// 抽象主题
public interface ISubject
    void RegisterObserver(IObserver observer);
    void RemoveObserver(IObserver observer);
    void NotifyObservers();

// 具体主题
public class ConcreteSubject : ISubject
    private List<IObserver> observers = new List<IObserver>();

    public void RegisterObserver(IObserver observer)

    public void RemoveObserver(IObserver observer)
        if (observers.Contains(observer))

    public void NotifyObservers()
        foreach (var observer in observers)

    public void ChangeState()
        // 触发状态变化,通知所有观察者

State 状态模式


public interface IAccountState
    void Deposit(Action addToBalance);
    void Withdraw(Action subtractFromBalance);
    void ComputeInterest();

public class NormalState : IAccountState
    public void Deposit(Action addToBalance)
        Console.WriteLine("Deposit in NormalState");

    public void Withdraw(Action subtractFromBalance)
        Console.WriteLine("Withdraw in NormalState");

    public void ComputeInterest()
        Console.WriteLine("Interest computed in NormalState");

public class OverdrawnState : IAccountState
    public void Deposit(Action addToBalance)
        Console.WriteLine("Deposit in OverdrawnState");

    public void Withdraw(Action subtractFromBalance)
        Console.WriteLine("No withdraw in OverdrawnState");

    public void ComputeInterest()
        Console.WriteLine("Interest and fees computed in OverdrawnState");

public class BankAccount
    private IAccountState _state;
    private double _balance;

    public BankAccount(IAccountState state)
        _state = state;
        _balance = 0;

    public void Deposit(double amount)
        _state.Deposit(() => _balance += amount);

    public void Withdraw(double amount)
        _state.Withdraw(() => _balance -= amount);

    public void ComputeInterest()

    private void StateChangeCheck()
        if (_balance < 0.0)
            _state = new OverdrawnState();
            _state = new NormalState();

Strategy 策略模式

策略模式定义了一系列的算法,并将每一个算法封装起来,使得它们可以相互替换。策略模式让算法独立于使用它的客户而独立变化。 public interface ISortStrategy { void Sort(List list); }

public class QuickSort : ISortStrategy
    public void Sort(List<int> list)
        list.Sort(); // Quick sort is in-place but here we are using built-in method
        Console.WriteLine("QuickSorted list ");

public class BubbleSort : ISortStrategy
    public void Sort(List<int> list)
        int n = list.Count;
        for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < n - i - 1; j++)
                if (list[j] > list[j + 1])
                    // swap temp and list[i]
                    int temp = list[j];
                    list[j] = list[j + 1];
                    list[j + 1] = temp;

        Console.WriteLine("BubbleSorted list ");

public class SortedList
    private List<int> _list = new List<int>();
    private ISortStrategy _sortstrategy;

    public void SetSortStrategy(ISortStrategy sortstrategy)
        this._sortstrategy = sortstrategy;

    public void Add(int num)

    public void Sort()

        // Print sorted list
        foreach (int num in _list)
            Console.Write(num + " ");

Template Method 模板方法模式


public abstract class CookingProcedure
    // The 'Template method' 
    public void PrepareDish()

    public void PrepareIngredients()
        Console.WriteLine("Preparing the ingredients...");

    // These methods will be overridden by subclasses
    public abstract void Cook();

    public void CleanUp()
        Console.WriteLine("Cleaning up...");

public class CookPasta : CookingProcedure
    public override void Cook()
        Console.WriteLine("Cooking pasta...");

public class BakeCake : CookingProcedure
    public override void Cook()
        Console.WriteLine("Baking cake...");

Visitor 访问者模式

访问者模式(Visitor Pattern)是一种将算法与对象结构分离的软件设计模式。这种模式的基本想法就是通过所谓的”访问者”来改变元素的操作。这样一来,元素的类可以用于表示元素结构,而具体的操作则可以在访问者类中定义。

// 访问者接口
public interface IVisitor
    void VisitConcreteElementA(ConcreteElementA concreteElementA);
    void VisitConcreteElementB(ConcreteElementB concreteElementB);

// 具体访问者A
public class ConcreteVisitorA : IVisitor
    public void VisitConcreteElementA(ConcreteElementA concreteElementA)
        Console.WriteLine($"{concreteElementA.GetType().Name} is being visited by {this.GetType().Name}");

    public void VisitConcreteElementB(ConcreteElementB concreteElementB)
        Console.WriteLine($"{concreteElementB.GetType().Name} is being visited by {this.GetType().Name}");

// 具体访问者B
public class ConcreteVisitorB : IVisitor
    public void VisitConcreteElementA(ConcreteElementA concreteElementA)
        Console.WriteLine($"{concreteElementA.GetType().Name} is being visited by {this.GetType().Name}");

    public void VisitConcreteElementB(ConcreteElementB concreteElementB)
        Console.WriteLine($"{concreteElementB.GetType().Name} is being visited by {this.GetType().Name}");

// 元素接口
public interface IElement
    void Accept(IVisitor visitor);

// 具体元素A
public class ConcreteElementA : IElement
    public void Accept(IVisitor visitor)

// 具体元素B
public class ConcreteElementB : IElement
    public void Accept(IVisitor visitor)

// 对象结构
public class ObjectStructure
    private List<IElement> _elements = new List<IElement>();

    public void Attach(IElement element)

    public void Detach(IElement element)

    public void Accept(IVisitor visitor)
        foreach (var element in _elements)